The quitter....Yes I stopped last night. I went four full days. I lost 14 pounds. It felt like Freddie Kruger was living in my stomach. I have to say this was very hard. Harder than Joe made it look in the movie. I've decided to basically eat the diet by eating fruit and veggies and add small amount of meat mainly chicken at night.
I have to say I am not disappointed at all. I was really reluctant to quit until I was literally forced to. I have to say if you plan on doing this make the juice first and make sure it's something you can drink all day. Plan on being hungry. Not all the time. Usually the juice lasted 2 hours and you weren't hungry. I think very highly of anyone who could do this. I cannot.
This is my 60 day journey of juice fasting. I hope it's life changing!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Day 4
Today has been the worst day yet. I had a horrible night. My stomach hurt so bad. It felt like someone was on the inside and using knives along the inside of my stomach. This lasted pretty much all day. I tried some new juices with blackberries in them, but pretty much I felt horrible. I was in the bathroom constantly and it was just a really blah day. If I feel like this tomorrow, I don't think I'll be able to continue. I can't function. I'm weak. Lightheaded. It doesn't make a difference how much juice I drink. So we will see.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Day 3
Day 3 is going so much better than the last 2! I'm still low on energy, but that could be my lack of caffeine. My stomach is not hurting at all today. I do get hungry, but I'm learning to drink juice in smaller intervals than trying to separate it into meal like time frames.
This morning I used strawberries for my juice. YUM!! Since I'm separating the greens juice (cucumber, kale, spinach) and the fruit juice, I am really enjoying it more. The greens juice only makes around 4 ounces so I just down that and then drink the fruit concoction.
Since I want to be honest and give you the pros and the cons I can say it's not easy. Especially if you live with people who eat food all day. Temptation is horrible. Just watching a half hour of tv includes so many food commercials. It's really sad how much our society revolves around food. I definitely have my good angel and bad angel on each shoulder. One minute I'll see something and will say, "Forget this! I'm going to order a pizza!" But that other angel is there to tell me, "Nope. You promised yourself you'd do this. What's 60 days?" It's a constant good and evil war in my head.
My family said today I've looked like I've lost a lot of weight. I swore I wouldn't get on the scale, but once a week, but I had to know. I've lost 10 pounds. I think it's wrong, but hey.
So lessons learned so far on Day 3:
1. Strawberries make the world go round! Not really, but they cheered me up this morning.
2. The 3rd day really is the day you stop feeling so blah. You aren't 100%, but at least 85%.
3. You are going to want to quit constantly. It doesn't mean you are a failure. You just need to slap that
devil angel around some on your shoulder to shut him up.
4. When I start doubting myself, I go look in the mirror and that gives me all the spunk to keep going.
5. You are always going to want pizza, you just have to learn to tell your body no!
So those are my lessons for today. On a side note, my mom decided to start with me today. It helps having someone to get through it with you. With her doing it now I won't stop. My mom is the strongest person I know. She can get through anything. We will feed off of each other. So when one of us is down then the other will boost her up.
This morning I used strawberries for my juice. YUM!! Since I'm separating the greens juice (cucumber, kale, spinach) and the fruit juice, I am really enjoying it more. The greens juice only makes around 4 ounces so I just down that and then drink the fruit concoction.
Since I want to be honest and give you the pros and the cons I can say it's not easy. Especially if you live with people who eat food all day. Temptation is horrible. Just watching a half hour of tv includes so many food commercials. It's really sad how much our society revolves around food. I definitely have my good angel and bad angel on each shoulder. One minute I'll see something and will say, "Forget this! I'm going to order a pizza!" But that other angel is there to tell me, "Nope. You promised yourself you'd do this. What's 60 days?" It's a constant good and evil war in my head.
My family said today I've looked like I've lost a lot of weight. I swore I wouldn't get on the scale, but once a week, but I had to know. I've lost 10 pounds. I think it's wrong, but hey.
So lessons learned so far on Day 3:
1. Strawberries make the world go round! Not really, but they cheered me up this morning.
2. The 3rd day really is the day you stop feeling so blah. You aren't 100%, but at least 85%.
3. You are going to want to quit constantly. It doesn't mean you are a failure. You just need to slap that
devil angel around some on your shoulder to shut him up.
4. When I start doubting myself, I go look in the mirror and that gives me all the spunk to keep going.
5. You are always going to want pizza, you just have to learn to tell your body no!
So those are my lessons for today. On a side note, my mom decided to start with me today. It helps having someone to get through it with you. With her doing it now I won't stop. My mom is the strongest person I know. She can get through anything. We will feed off of each other. So when one of us is down then the other will boost her up.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Day 2
Today has been better than yesterday. Last night was brutal. My stomach hurt quite a bit. I think it was from the hunger. The hunger hasn't been quite as bad. I added more apples to the recipe and took out the celery. It was a lot better tasting. My suggestion at this point is to find a fruit you like and use that in the juice. The next day switch it up so you don't get tired of it, but you need a strong tasting fruit if you like sweeter things. If you like that vegetable taste then you don't need that extra bit of fruit.
I still had low energy and didn't want to do anything, but lay around. I am feeling a lot better though as the day goes on. I'm hoping that tomorrow, day 3, will be a lot better like they said in the movie. Once you make it to day 3 you can do it.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Day 1
Well, all I can say is start this on a day you don't have to do anything. Honestly when Joe said all's you want to do is stay in bed the first 3 days, I now completely believe him. So I'll tell you what I've learned.
1. Don't use celery in your juice unless you LOVE celery. It makes it very bitter and a really bad aftertaste.
2. Definitely offset your greens with fruit you like. That like-able taste will make you like the juice.
3. Use a sweet fruit to make the juice have a really yummy taste. Without that sweet fruity taste you can
really get lost in the veggie taste. V8 Splash it was not today.
4. You are going to be hungry. The juice surprisingly does fill you up, but you will need to drink it more
than 3 times a day. Tomorrow I'm going to try to spread it out by drinking 12oz 5 times a day instead
of 16oz. 4 times a day.
5. So far I am hungry, bitchy, and over today. Not over the juicing, but ready to start again tomorrow.
6. Make a whole pitcher in the morning. I made it fresh each time today and it was very cumbersome.
Well that's all I can say about today really. I'm glad it's almost over. I'm proud I've almost made it through the first day. I'm taking it one day at a time. I think I'm going to make one of those construction paper chain links that we use to make for when my dad was out to sea. Every day we'd get to rip one link off. I need that excitement of seeing that time shrink in front of my eyes.
Also, don't plan on watching tv because all the commercials are freaking food commercials. Very, very frustrating.
1. Don't use celery in your juice unless you LOVE celery. It makes it very bitter and a really bad aftertaste.
2. Definitely offset your greens with fruit you like. That like-able taste will make you like the juice.
3. Use a sweet fruit to make the juice have a really yummy taste. Without that sweet fruity taste you can
really get lost in the veggie taste. V8 Splash it was not today.
4. You are going to be hungry. The juice surprisingly does fill you up, but you will need to drink it more
than 3 times a day. Tomorrow I'm going to try to spread it out by drinking 12oz 5 times a day instead
of 16oz. 4 times a day.
5. So far I am hungry, bitchy, and over today. Not over the juicing, but ready to start again tomorrow.
6. Make a whole pitcher in the morning. I made it fresh each time today and it was very cumbersome.
Well that's all I can say about today really. I'm glad it's almost over. I'm proud I've almost made it through the first day. I'm taking it one day at a time. I think I'm going to make one of those construction paper chain links that we use to make for when my dad was out to sea. Every day we'd get to rip one link off. I need that excitement of seeing that time shrink in front of my eyes.
Also, don't plan on watching tv because all the commercials are freaking food commercials. Very, very frustrating.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Night Before D-Day
Recipes ✓
Juicer Clean and Ready ✓
Mental Toughness ✓
Ready to start the 1st day of the rest of my healthy life ✓
I wonder if there's always that excitement, anticipation, yet worry of failure before a military mission. That pretty much sums up what I'm feeling tonight. Don't get me wrong, I don't have any intention of failing or backing out because I can't hack it. It's more something external happening that prevents me from completing this. That's my worry and I said it and now I'm putting it out of my head. I am so ready for this. I am the only one who I can do this for. I can't do this for my daughter. I can't do it for my family. I can't do it for that cute sundress I'm going to get into. This is just for me. For once I am doing something just for me and it feels amazing. You know people say you can't ever quit anything if you don't want to and it's true. I couldn't and wouldn't quit smoking until I was just tired of all the bs associated with it. One day I saw and ad for Chantix and I asked my doctor and that was it. 3 years ago this last June. Oh I've had my bumps and puffs and Oh I've had the desire to grab a pack and smoke it all, but somewhere down I know I can't give myself that small inch to grab on to because I am a greedy bitch. One inch and I want the whole kit and caboodle. So I'm approaching this healthy lifestyle the same way. Yes I'll have my bumps, my licks, tastes, and a big fat ball of desire to eat something wickedly bad, but I can't give myself that inch because I will take it and run. I don't EVER want to be this way ever again. There's such a huge knot of shame and embarrassment in the pit of my stomach for how I look. I'm so excited to be thin again. There are so many inconveniences out there for overweight people. Flying, booths at restaurants, clothes, dating. God I will be so happy to date as a thin person again. Yes, that sounds awful. I always was taught that the person who loves you will love you no matter what, but that's like saying the prince will come and we will live happily ever after. It doesn't happen. You know that feeling of flying? Walking in the clouds? That's how I will be when I lose my weight. I'm going to twirl around in a circle and squeal like a little girl because I have let myself down and by doing this that weight will be released off my shoulder.
October is the month of my best friend's wedding. I want to shock the hell out of him because he's never seen me thin. It's going to be great!!!!!!!!
So........ I think I got it all out before tomorrow. One word of advice if you are going to try this, confront all those feelings and get them all out. That way nothing is lurking down below that causes you to repeat the actions that got you into this in the first place.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Getting Ready
So I decided I'm really going to do this! I am so excited. Think Christmas Eve times a hundred as a kid. I've gone to my local library and checked out quite a few books on juicing and I've Googled to my heart's content everything I want to know on a 60 day fast. From what I can read, you don't want to drink too many just fruit juices each day. According to Joe you drink that Mean Green Juice recipe the most which is:
6 Kale Leaves
1 Cucumber
4 Celery Stalks
2 Green Apples
1/2 Lemon
1 piece of ginger
There are variations of this recipe adding pears, spinach, and Papaya. I drink this 4x 16-20oz at a time.
I can drink water and green tea as much as I want during the day.
I can't begin to really describe how excited I am. My daughter said to me last week when we were talking about a certain time and I was thin, she turned to me and said, "You know mom, I don't remember you being skinny." Whoa! I was so ashamed and shocked. She doesn't remember me thin? Had it been that long? I've had health problems that added a lot of weight, but when it comes down to it, I am an emotional eater. I eat to make myself feel better and I have enjoyed eating anything I've wanted. So for the next 60 days I am going to enjoy re-training my taste buds and my body into wanting to be healthy. Like Joe Cross said, those days when I'm struggling and want food, I need to remember all those times I ate and ate that got me looking like this. I had a car accident on 4-15-2009. I injured my hips and back and basically the other teams lawyer wants to blame my injuries on my weight. When I heard that it was another smack in the face. How can you blame someone's injuries on them being fat? You hit me from behind at 55 mph with a semi truck. If anything you're lucky I was fat so I wasn't injured more without all the cushion. But the main point is I'm sick of being fat. I'm sick of having people look at me different because of my weight. I'm sick of going on job interviews and not getting the job because I'm fat. Yes, it is a big reason heavy people don't get jobs. I want to be excited to go out of the house again. I want to be looked at like I'm beautiful again. I want to wear a sundress without a cover up and look cute in it. I want to be able to do things with my daughter again. I want to go to a pool party and wear a bathing suit without feeling like the ballerina hippos in Fantasia. Right now I can't to any of those. So NO MORE EXCUSES from me, myself, and I. Joe Cross and Phil from Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead gave me inspiration. If a four hundred pound truck driver can do it, then a redheaded, irritatingly stubborn, determined amazon can surely do it! So Wednesday July 27, 2011 is the day. I can't wait!
6 Kale Leaves
1 Cucumber
4 Celery Stalks
2 Green Apples
1/2 Lemon
1 piece of ginger
There are variations of this recipe adding pears, spinach, and Papaya. I drink this 4x 16-20oz at a time.
I can drink water and green tea as much as I want during the day.
I can't begin to really describe how excited I am. My daughter said to me last week when we were talking about a certain time and I was thin, she turned to me and said, "You know mom, I don't remember you being skinny." Whoa! I was so ashamed and shocked. She doesn't remember me thin? Had it been that long? I've had health problems that added a lot of weight, but when it comes down to it, I am an emotional eater. I eat to make myself feel better and I have enjoyed eating anything I've wanted. So for the next 60 days I am going to enjoy re-training my taste buds and my body into wanting to be healthy. Like Joe Cross said, those days when I'm struggling and want food, I need to remember all those times I ate and ate that got me looking like this. I had a car accident on 4-15-2009. I injured my hips and back and basically the other teams lawyer wants to blame my injuries on my weight. When I heard that it was another smack in the face. How can you blame someone's injuries on them being fat? You hit me from behind at 55 mph with a semi truck. If anything you're lucky I was fat so I wasn't injured more without all the cushion. But the main point is I'm sick of being fat. I'm sick of having people look at me different because of my weight. I'm sick of going on job interviews and not getting the job because I'm fat. Yes, it is a big reason heavy people don't get jobs. I want to be excited to go out of the house again. I want to be looked at like I'm beautiful again. I want to wear a sundress without a cover up and look cute in it. I want to be able to do things with my daughter again. I want to go to a pool party and wear a bathing suit without feeling like the ballerina hippos in Fantasia. Right now I can't to any of those. So NO MORE EXCUSES from me, myself, and I. Joe Cross and Phil from Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead gave me inspiration. If a four hundred pound truck driver can do it, then a redheaded, irritatingly stubborn, determined amazon can surely do it! So Wednesday July 27, 2011 is the day. I can't wait!
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