Day 3 is going so much better than the last 2! I'm still low on energy, but that could be my lack of caffeine. My stomach is not hurting at all today. I do get hungry, but I'm learning to drink juice in smaller intervals than trying to separate it into meal like time frames.
This morning I used strawberries for my juice. YUM!! Since I'm separating the greens juice (cucumber, kale, spinach) and the fruit juice, I am really enjoying it more. The greens juice only makes around 4 ounces so I just down that and then drink the fruit concoction.
Since I want to be honest and give you the pros and the cons I can say it's not easy. Especially if you live with people who eat food all day. Temptation is horrible. Just watching a half hour of tv includes so many food commercials. It's really sad how much our society revolves around food. I definitely have my good angel and bad angel on each shoulder. One minute I'll see something and will say, "Forget this! I'm going to order a pizza!" But that other angel is there to tell me, "Nope. You promised yourself you'd do this. What's 60 days?" It's a constant good and evil war in my head.
My family said today I've looked like I've lost a lot of weight. I swore I wouldn't get on the scale, but once a week, but I had to know. I've lost 10 pounds. I think it's wrong, but hey.
So lessons learned so far on Day 3:
1. Strawberries make the world go round! Not really, but they cheered me up this morning.
2. The 3rd day really is the day you stop feeling so blah. You aren't 100%, but at least 85%.
3. You are going to want to quit constantly. It doesn't mean you are a failure. You just need to slap that
devil angel around some on your shoulder to shut him up.
4. When I start doubting myself, I go look in the mirror and that gives me all the spunk to keep going.
5. You are always going to want pizza, you just have to learn to tell your body no!
So those are my lessons for today. On a side note, my mom decided to start with me today. It helps having someone to get through it with you. With her doing it now I won't stop. My mom is the strongest person I know. She can get through anything. We will feed off of each other. So when one of us is down then the other will boost her up.
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